Listed Building Restoration in Chichester, Sussex

In need of renovation? Listed buildings require extra care when it comes to renovations. You might think that because your property isn’t on the list, you can get away with anything but this could not always be true! There are different factors involved in restoring or renovating any type of structure whether they’re listed or otherwise so make sure whoever does these jobs for you know what’s required by law before beginning their work – don’t let them slip through unnoticed.

We have a wealth of experience working on projects that involve renovation or construction with listed buildings. We’ve worked in medieval times up until the Victorian era, where we were able to utilize lime mortar for some renovations on those older properties!

How do you make a old building new again? It’s all in the details. We always take care of any restoration work on your listed property, making sure that material used such as plasters are compatible with historic Lathe walls and adding additional beam-work which matches what exists already at this location

You can rely on us to get your project completed quickly and with the least amount of fuss. We’ll make sure that heritage is protected, meet regulations for listed buildings – all in a single phone call!

We are here to answer any of your questions. Contact us today!